Monday, March 1, 2010

Daddy time

So after 12 months of it being all mommy almost all of the time it is finally getting to be daddy time. What I mean by it is, whenever the Max woke up in the night is has almost always (99 %) been me getting him back to sleep. This past weekend when I was sooooo sick, Andy was able to get Max back to sleep when he awoke to me yucking in the bathroom. Most nights Andy is so out when Max might awake I have been the primary soother. Even when that means I did or didn't nurse him back to sleep. We have been lucky though, Max is a pretty decent night sleeper. He might not sleep a ton during the day but we have never had too hard of a time getting him to sleep a good amount at night. Although he has a sleep time of his own. Which is really our time. Asleep by 10 p.m. awake at maybe 8 a.m. if I am lucky. I would love to figure out how to try to shift that to go to bed a bit earlier, but I am not going to try to force it upon him. So, finally, a torch is being passed not from me to Andy, but to Max for beginning to grow up. Whew that year went by fast!

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